It’s been a while since I made a post! Did you think I stopped making stuff or just got behind in photographing it because I made so much? Well, it’s the latter.
The last time I played Forbidden Psalm, I made a few mistakes:
- I played coop without knowing how difficult the Ghouls are. Running away is a solid strategy
- I played on a 3’x3′ table. This made it too difficult to escape. A 2’x’2 table is recommended for good reason. I use these mats.
- I did not have enough terrain. This made it so monsters could easily see models and there were less directions to run. So I built an entire Venetian city (overkill). About a 1/4 of it is finished and painted.
- HP counters are essential for any type of game that uses hit points. I made some of my own and also bought some on Etsy.
- Tokens for statuses and when models have activated are super useful. I use the tokens for One Page Rules which are available for free on Google Drive adjacent to the rules.
- I forgot to use the Omens. I made my own cards using the instructions on the Gardens of Hecate blog with the artwork created by Knucklebones Miniatures:
Now that I have a 3D printer, I also printed up some mushrooms and some really cool looking treasure chests:

I don’t spend a lot of time on bases but I do try to keep them consistent. All of my terrain and bases use inexpensive Burnt Umber paint so they all fit together. My game mats are all from Battle Systems; which are affordable, very well made and work with Burnt Umber.

We rolled up 4 Ghouls, which was perfect because we seem to play more semi-cooperatively. This type of game really works with this playstyle. In future missions, I will probably just add the max amount of monsters in the versus entry (unless it gets too easy).

Omens are a important strategy element in this game. There is a balance of using them too early vs saving them till after you don’t need them.

The Quick Reference page is missing a couple important details; so I wrote them in. Most notably, strike-back is at -3 unless its a monster or a model is joined by an ally. Also, ranged to hit rolls in light cover are at -3.
In order to keep track who is who, all my skirmish miniatures have little numbers written in white paint pen. Hence, #C4 represents “Chick number 4”. I have “W” for assigned for wizards, regardless of male or female.

We really had fun this time and the game flowed much better.
On DriveThruRPG:

Free game aids and all of books for the game are on the official website for Forbidden Psalm here.
Happy gaming and crafting everyone!

I am an outdoorsy geek. Which is not rare at all. In fact, outdoorsy geeks are some of my favorite people 🙂