Ramblings on the state of tabletop wargames

As a tabletop wargamer, there has never been a better time to avoid Games Workshop. Here is my personal list of superior game companies who make awesome games. None of these are publicly traded companies, which is probably why they can stick to their own ethics pretty closely. Will Games Workshop always suck at tabletop wargames? Let’s say, by mad happenstance, James Workshop stumbled on the unicorn perfect tabletop wargame ruleset. One that is clearly written yet …

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Solo gaming is great.. but gaming with friends is better.

It’s interesting how this hobby has changed for me. From what started as a group of friends at my work playing 40k (now over 2 decades ago), turned into many years of occasionally painting but also finding old miniatures at thrift stores. A few times, I went to Games Workshop official stores for short 50opt games. It was actually boardgames that got me back into tabletop games. The world of boardgames has grown so much in the …

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Artmesa art

Fantasy Warband Name Generator

Having names for your warband members makes them more memorable and playing games more fun. You also care more about them in the game! All my miniatures have numbers on the bottom with white ink pen. This way I can cross-reference the miniature with the character stats. My favorite name generator is in the beginning of Forbidden Psalm. I l just love the mood and aesthetic of that game. Lately I have been playing Frostgrave and have …

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Fantasy miniatures for Forbidden Psalm or Frostgrave or Five Leagues from the Borderlands

I haven’t painted many fantasy miniatures until very recently. I had assembled enough miniatures to play Frostgrave a while ago but finishing the paint job eluded me. Oil paints helped me finish these faster. I was concerned the extra oil painting extra step would make it take longer but given that my acrylics were just the base colors (mostly), it was a timesaver. I like the “Blanchitsu” style of painted miniatures. It is more achievable that going …

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Building a fantasy Village for Rangers of Shadow Deep

One of the largest barriers to making tiny buildings is deciding the layout and dimensions. Well, for me anyhow. There are many different techniques I can experiment with until I am happy with the result. However, with a layout, changing it can be messy and tricky and might ruin the build altogether. Papercraft gives you layouts you can scratchbuild from. The dimensions are there but everything else is just a suggestion. I have purchased a number of …

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