A terrain workflow for scifi buildings

In preparing to teach an introductory class on terrain building, it was necessary to break it down into repeatable steps. This is something I typically do when I am creating an experimental prototype for a larger piece. However, for this, I had to make it more general yet specific to scifi terrain buildings. Here are the steps for my “Get it Done” terrain workflow: A Scifi Wasteland Repair Shop; My prototype example piece Vision I have noticed …

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Five Parsecs from Home – Campaign turns 2 and 3

I thought things were going well until my one of my rivals came after my crew; the Mutants of clan Null God.The mutants outnumbered my crew on a battlefield that was gloomy (battlefield condition), so they ran from the fight instead. I made sure they stayed the two round minimum, so that at least my crew could gain experience points. Glen was downed but used a Stim pack to save himself. In this game, even if you …

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scifi building final

Scifi building – (part 3 of 3)

Hey I finally finished it. It felt stuck for some time because after step 2, it looked terrible. I didn’t even use it in any games. The solution, it turned out, was to reduce the chipping paint contrast with a filter effect. I used an airbrush for this. I just added some white ink and some extra shadows with raw sienna inks. After that, it looked much better. The oil paints were messy but satisfying. It looked …

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Five Parsecs from Home – First encounter

Last weekend I completed my first encounter in Five Parsecs from Home! My crew suffered no causalities; even though my strategy was pretty weak haha. Lucky roll of the dice meant the opposition was outnumbered. Which is great because I didn’t want to have to bail on my first encounter! My crew encountered a rival Brat Gang. They all have body armor, which proved a bit tricky to overcome with my basic weapons. I did learn that, …

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scifi shacks

Scifi Shanty Town – (part 2 of 3

(This is part 2 of Scifi Shanty town. See Scifi Shanty town Part 1.) I did the mod podge + black paint step because this is mostly paper and won’t hold up well without it.It always looks terrible at this stage and makes me concerned I messed up. I base-coated with a very reddish brown spray paint. They were good enough to use in a game at this stage. A lot of my table has incomplete pieces, …

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scifi shacks

Scifi Shanty Town – (part 1 of 3)

We know this is scifi because the inhabitants may not have a restroom but they do have electricity. I feel like a solar panel station and a outhouse would be fitting here. I considered hanging laundry but I wasn’t sure if Cultists do their laundry? I mean, when I think about it, being insane and in a cult doesn’t necessarily mean they don’t bathe. Even if it is just in the blood of their victims they probably …

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