Ramblings on the state of tabletop wargames

As a tabletop wargamer, there has never been a better time to avoid Games Workshop. Here is my personal list of superior game companies who make awesome games. None of these are publicly traded companies, which is probably why they can stick to their own ethics pretty closely. Will Games Workshop always suck at tabletop wargames? Let’s say, by mad happenstance, James Workshop stumbled on the unicorn perfect tabletop wargame ruleset. One that is clearly written yet …

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A terrain workflow for scifi buildings

In preparing to teach an introductory class on terrain building, it was necessary to break it down into repeatable steps. This is something I typically do when I am creating an experimental prototype for a larger piece. However, for this, I had to make it more general yet specific to scifi terrain buildings. Here are the steps for my “Get it Done” terrain workflow: A Scifi Wasteland Repair Shop; My prototype example piece Vision I have noticed …

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Crashed Spaceship – Terrain Competition Season 2 “Hidden Places” – WIP

I am starting with the papercraft Ebbles Miniatures Utility Shuttle as a base for my build. It is available for free here ( https://www.genetmodels.com/ebbles-miniatures-2009-2010-models/ ). Its going to be broken somehow. Looks like I will need a larger base! I was imagining it crashed into an alien jungle with cargo all over the place. Decades old. Lots of moss and vines. (The miniatures for scale are from Core Space). My spaceship crash site needs some trees! These …

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scifi shacks

Scifi Shanty Town – (part 2 of 3

(This is part 2 of Scifi Shanty town. See Scifi Shanty town Part 1.) I did the mod podge + black paint step because this is mostly paper and won’t hold up well without it.It always looks terrible at this stage and makes me concerned I messed up. I base-coated with a very reddish brown spray paint. They were good enough to use in a game at this stage. A lot of my table has incomplete pieces, …

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scifi shacks

Scifi Shanty Town – (part 1 of 3)

We know this is scifi because the inhabitants may not have a restroom but they do have electricity. I feel like a solar panel station and a outhouse would be fitting here. I considered hanging laundry but I wasn’t sure if Cultists do their laundry? I mean, when I think about it, being insane and in a cult doesn’t necessarily mean they don’t bathe. Even if it is just in the blood of their victims they probably …

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