Artmesa art

Fantasy Warband Name Generator

Having names for your warband members makes them more memorable and playing games more fun. You also care more about them in the game! All my miniatures have numbers on the bottom with white ink pen. This way I can cross-reference the miniature with the character stats. My favorite name generator is in the beginning of Forbidden Psalm. I l just love the mood and aesthetic of that game. Lately I have been playing Frostgrave and have …

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Frostgrave Knights and a Rage Drake from D&D

Last miniatures of 2022

Finishing a few miniatures before the end of the year can feel great. New Years of last year, I was unable to partake in the festivities because had been exposed to the Rona but luckily never came down with it that time. However, I painted up a large amount of miniatures for fantasy. So here they are, a mixture of Frostgrave and Oathmark and also a Rage Drake from a D&D boardgame that I raided for miniatures. …

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