scifi building final

Scifi building – (part 3 of 3)

Hey I finally finished it. It felt stuck for some time because after step 2, it looked terrible. I didn’t even use it in any games. The solution, it turned out, was to reduce the chipping paint contrast with a filter effect. I used an airbrush for this. I just added some white ink and some extra shadows with raw sienna inks. After that, it looked much better. The oil paints were messy but satisfying. It looked …

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ttcombat sandstorm hovel A

New building finished – ttcombat Sandstorm Hovel A

I did it. I finished my first MDF terrain kit! It would look cool to have a few of these on a table: I also started building some air vents. I used the same glue and Elmers Woodfiller that has been really working for me with MDF. It is going to look great in my desert/wasteland terrain theme. I realize it is for Star Wars Legion but it feels generic enough to fit into any scifi …

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Five Parsecs from Home – First encounter

Last weekend I completed my first encounter in Five Parsecs from Home! My crew suffered no causalities; even though my strategy was pretty weak haha. Lucky roll of the dice meant the opposition was outnumbered. Which is great because I didn’t want to have to bail on my first encounter! My crew encountered a rival Brat Gang. They all have body armor, which proved a bit tricky to overcome with my basic weapons. I did learn that, …

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Building a fantasy Village for Rangers of Shadow Deep

One of the largest barriers to making tiny buildings is deciding the layout and dimensions. Well, for me anyhow. There are many different techniques I can experiment with until I am happy with the result. However, with a layout, changing it can be messy and tricky and might ruin the build altogether. Papercraft gives you layouts you can scratchbuild from. The dimensions are there but everything else is just a suggestion. I have purchased a number of …

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