Hey I finally finished it. It felt stuck for some time because after step 2, it looked terrible. I didn’t even use it in any games.
The solution, it turned out, was to reduce the chipping paint contrast with a filter effect. I used an airbrush for this. I just added some white ink and some extra shadows with raw sienna inks. After that, it looked much better.
The oil paints were messy but satisfying.
It looked good but to get the grimdark scifi aesthetic, it needed signs and posters and graffiti. This step proved trickier than I had expected.
For some reason, my prints had newsprint dot effect on them. Maybe it was a resolution problem.. I am not sure. Really wanting to finish, I went for it regardless. I was hoping the messy digital look would work. It mostly did. The smaller posters look odd but the larger ones look good like this.
I painted over the posters so they looked more consistent and “painterly”. I used inks and acrylic paints.
The orange or muted red posters are from an artist I really like (Insta: https://www.instagram.com/el_stitch/ ).
Here is the final result.
I apologize for the poor quality of the photos. I need a stronger light apparently.
The graffitti is hard to read, but here it is:
28 is reference to inq28 / Blanchitsu style of miniature art. Check out 28 Mag to learn more!
Morka Porka is a reference to a monster in Mork Borg. This is fantasy tabletop game I am going to try next.
TT is my initials. I guess I am initialing my miniatures now.
Zed is a reference to the gang leader in Core Space; which is one of my favorites games of all time.
The eyes (top left) is a reference to “Silent Sea”, a Netflix show from Korea I am watching right now.
They watch doesn’t mean anything at all. It’s just kinda ominous sounding.
I am an outdoorsy geek. Which is not rare at all. In fact, outdoorsy geeks are some of my favorite people 🙂