scifi shacks

Scifi Shanty Town – (part 2 of 3

(This is part 2 of Scifi Shanty town. See Scifi Shanty town Part 1.) I did the mod podge + black paint step because this is mostly paper and won’t hold up well without it.It always looks terrible at this stage and makes me concerned I messed up. I base-coated with a very reddish brown spray paint. They were good enough to use in a game at this stage. A lot of my table has incomplete pieces, …

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scifi shacks

Scifi Shanty Town – (part 1 of 3)

We know this is scifi because the inhabitants may not have a restroom but they do have electricity. I feel like a solar panel station and a outhouse would be fitting here. I considered hanging laundry but I wasn’t sure if Cultists do their laundry? I mean, when I think about it, being insane and in a cult doesn’t necessarily mean they don’t bathe. Even if it is just in the blood of their victims they probably …

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scifi building terrain

Scifi building – (part 1 of 3)

This building kept growing because I kept adding stories to it. Each level can be removed because I made them stack. This is something I would like to do on future builds. Its a little tough on the foamboard but I painted modpodge underneath each level which seems to be helping. This is one of those projects I got so focused on detailing I was concerned I would never finish it. My last building is also unfinished …

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