
Ramblings on the state of tabletop wargames

As a tabletop wargamer, there has never been a better time to avoid Games Workshop. Here is my personal list of superior game companies who make awesome games. None of these are publicly traded companies, which is probably why they can stick to their own ethics pretty closely. Will Games Workshop always suck at tabletop wargames? Let’s say, by mad happenstance, James Workshop stumbled on the unicorn perfect tabletop wargame ruleset. One that is clearly written yet …

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Taking Gaslands for a spin

This week, instead of our usual Frostgrave, we took the game Gaslands for a spin. It has been near the top of my “I want to play that game” list for a long time. We learned the game as we went, which was a little tricky with three people but enough happened that I think we each got a taste of what how gameplay works. Personally, I really like it. What works well is how the Spin …

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A terrain workflow for scifi buildings

In preparing to teach an introductory class on terrain building, it was necessary to break it down into repeatable steps. This is something I typically do when I am creating an experimental prototype for a larger piece. However, for this, I had to make it more general yet specific to scifi terrain buildings. Here are the steps for my “Get it Done” terrain workflow: A Scifi Wasteland Repair Shop; My prototype example piece Vision I have noticed …

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Solo gaming is great.. but gaming with friends is better.

It’s interesting how this hobby has changed for me. From what started as a group of friends at my work playing 40k (now over 2 decades ago), turned into many years of occasionally painting but also finding old miniatures at thrift stores. A few times, I went to Games Workshop official stores for short 50opt games. It was actually boardgames that got me back into tabletop games. The world of boardgames has grown so much in the …

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Artmesa art

Fantasy Warband Name Generator

Having names for your warband members makes them more memorable and playing games more fun. You also care more about them in the game! All my miniatures have numbers on the bottom with white ink pen. This way I can cross-reference the miniature with the character stats. My favorite name generator is in the beginning of Forbidden Psalm. I l just love the mood and aesthetic of that game. Lately I have been playing Frostgrave and have …

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Frostgrave Knights and a Rage Drake from D&D

Last miniatures of 2022

Finishing a few miniatures before the end of the year can feel great. New Years of last year, I was unable to partake in the festivities because had been exposed to the Rona but luckily never came down with it that time. However, I painted up a large amount of miniatures for fantasy. So here they are, a mixture of Frostgrave and Oathmark and also a Rage Drake from a D&D boardgame that I raided for miniatures. …

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Monster Generator for Forbidden Psalm

Monster generator for Forbidden Psalm

This generator is based on pages 103-104 of In The Footsteps of the Mad Wizard. Feel feel to make your own variation with your own unique traits! You can edit it here: It would be cool if an AI Image generator was fed the monster traits to generate an image of it! If I ever get a paid version, I might think about doing this.

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HP Tracking Dials

Personally, I find HP tracking annoying. One of the reasons I like Five Parsecs from Home and Five Leagues from the Borderlands is that they are totally playable without needing to track lots of numbers. Boardgames and card games such as Gloomhaven and Arkham Horror TCG either use a HP tracker dial or tokens to help keep track of Hit Points/Health. There are some tabletop games I have tried or want to play that require tracking Hit …

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Wasteland village – converted Oasis Town by TTCombat

I discovered a workflow around prototyping. When I am trying something new, in each subsequent step, I experiment the step on my prototype. This way, I only need to reverse or fix a problematic step on the prototype. On this project, my prototype was the smallest of the buildings. Crackle experiments I learned that Golden Crackle paste needs to slowly dry over 72 hours or the effect is not as cracked. I tried using my heat gun …

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